History Professor John Ferris has been named the “Authorized Historian” in chronicling the history of its British communications intelligence agency (Government Communications Headquarters). Ferris stands next to an Enigma machine, a type of enciphering machine used by the German armed forces to send messages securely.
Wednesday 7 April 2021
1900 Hours (Virtual Talk)
Professor John Ferris, Official Historian of GCHQ
In the first of a series of talks on ‘Secret Bucks’ in WW2, Professor Ferris will discuss the role of the Bletchley Code-breakers in Allied victory
Professor Ferris is Professor of History at the University of Calgary and was selected to write the first authorised history of the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) in 2017. Behind the Enigma: The Authorised History of GCHQ, Britain’s Secret Cyber Intelligence Agency was published in 2020. It challenged the myths of ‘eccentrics overcoming the odds, the enemy, and the establishment’.
To book please visit zoomtalk@bmmt.co.uk
You can now view the talk on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/wxqawCqx_fs