Originally seven separate corps formed in 1859-60, the Bucks rifle volunteers were brought together as The 1st Bucks Administrative Battalion in July 1862. Corps retained control of their own arms, stores and financial affairs and conducted correspondence through an...
The raising of the 2/1st Royal Bucks Hussars at Buckingham was authorised on 14 September 1914 as part of the initial expansion of the Territorial Force under the command of the Hon. William Lawson, later 3rd Lord Burnham, who had commanded the 38th (Royal Bucks...
Made by Hobson & Sons of London, the tunic is dated 23 June 1906 but it is of the pattern worn between 1875 and 1908. The individual rifle corps originally formed in the county in 1859 and 1860 had become a so-called administrative battalion in which the corps...
Recently acquired, the leather bound muster book (16cm x 10cm) was compiled by Thomas Worley, a solicitor, who was the quartermaster of the troop. It records the names of all those who joined between November 1807 and May 1815, their attendance at drills and annual...
Lords Lieutenant were first appointed in the reign of King Edward VI, the prefix ‘Lord’ originally deriving from the aristocratic rank of those who filled the office and becoming a matter or custom. Technically, there was no such office as lord lieutenant until the...
A number of communities in the county marked the war service of their inhabitants by awarding parchments in 1918-1919. There are a number of examples issued by the Borough of Aylesbury in 1919. In this case, Quainton General War Committee issued such a certificate to...
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