Amid fears of possible German invasion in the autumn of 1914 unofficial bodies of ‘town guards’ and ‘civic guards’ began to be formed, such groups being given recognition under the auspices of the Central Association of Volunteer Training Corps in November 1914. The...
Engraved on the edge: No. 3 COMPANY 1st BUCKS. R.V. CORPS. PRESENTED BY LIEUT. T.F. FREMANTLE. WON BY Pte. J. EMERTON. SEPT. 20. 1887. An 18 year old groom and domestic servant from Mitre Street, Buckingham, Emberton was awarded the medal for the best third class and...
Sweetheart badges and brooches depicting regimental insignia originated in the late 1880s but became extremely popular during the First World War, soldiers gifting them to mothers, wives or girlfriends usually before leaving on active service or returning to the front...
The original battlefield cross of Lionel Crouch is one of 18 remaining in the county, the other 17 all being exhibited in churches (of which one is for an unknown soldier). Lionel Crouch was educated at Marlborough College and qualified as a solicitor in 1909, being...
In 1794 two six pounder artillery pieces were presented to the Royal Bucks King’s Own Militia by application of surplus funds raised in the county for the establishment of the Bucks Yeomanry. These were added to the militia’s two existing artillery pieces. In 1820 the...
Dudman, a well-known miniature portraitist, who died in 1803, would have been commissioned presumably to undertake the work by the unknown officer himself. The regiment had been granted the title of Royal Bucks King’s Own in September 1794 for its services whilst...
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